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Artax ⋅ Requests

Artax allows either passing a string (which is interpreted as URI) or a Request object to Client::request(). The Request class can be used to specify further specifics of the request such as setting headers or changing the request method.

Request objects are immutable, all mutators return new instances.

Request URI

The constructor requires an absolute request URI. Request::withUri(string $uri) allows changing the request method.

$request = (new Request("", "POST"))
$request = $request->withUri("");

Request::getUri() exposes the request URI of the given Request object.

Request Method

The constructor accepts an optional request method, it defaults to GET. Request::withMethod(string $method) allows changing the request method.

$request = (new Request("", "POST"))
$request = $request->withMethod("PUT");

Request::getMethod() exposes the request method of the given Request object.

Request Headers

Request::withHeader(string $field, string $value) allows changing the request headers. It will remove any previous values for that field. Request::withAddedHeader(string $field, string $value) allows adding an additional header line without removing existing lines.

Request::withHeaders(array $headers) allows adding multiple headers at once with the array keys being the field names and the values being the header values. The header values can also be arrays of strings to set multiple header lines.

Request::hasHeader(string $field) checks whether at least one header line with the given name exists.

Request::getHeader(string $field) returns the first header line with the given name or null if no such header exists.

Request::getHeaderArray(string $field) returns an array of header lines with the given name. An empty array is returned if no header with the given name exists.

Request::getHeaders() returns an associative array with the keys being the header names and the values being arrays of header lines.

$request = (new Request("", "POST"))
    ->withHeader("X-Foobar", "Hello World")

Request Bodies

Request::withBody($body) allows changing the request body. Accepted types are string, null, and RequestBody. string and null are automatically converted to an instance of RequestBody.

RequestBody is basically a factory for request bodies. We cannot simply accept streams there, because a request body might have to be sent again on a redirect. Additionally, RequestBody allows the body to set headers, which can be used to automatically set headers such as Content-Type: application/json for a JsonBody. Note that headers set via RequestBody::getHeaders() are only applied if the Request doesn’t have such a header. This allows overriding the default body header in a request.

$request = (new Request("", "POST"))

Request::getBody() exposes the request body of the given Request object and will always return a RequestBody.